
Just this morning, I saw a small window of blue sky in the otherwise dreary grey overcast, a promise of the bright sun-lit day to come. God is always giving us signs of His love and faithfulness to us.......if we are looking. That is what this blog is all about. Are we looking? And what did we see, hear, smell, or feel that our loving Creator put in our path? Why does He do that? Do we really want to connect that close with His affection for us? So many questions. Let's exhange some of them, and share our own sightings!

Friday, July 7, 2017

The most incredible experience

     I just had the most incredible experience this my pajamas and in my own kitchen!
I prayed out loud and heard hundreds or thousands or more praying with me together.  No, I wasn't watching TV or a CD or some other electronic marvel.  Only a telephone....not even a cell phone!
     At 9:25 I suddenly remembered that I had planned last week to call in and join this First Friday Prayer Conference Call.  For over a year I have been led to start some kind of intercessory prayer group or team.  Some doors have closed, others haven't opened and I still believe God is calling me to do this!    Have you ever been in that spot?
     Intercessory prayer (prayer on behalf of others) is a big calling in my life...being a "watchman on the walls" to help guard, defend, and sound the alert in my part of the Kingdom of God.  I, like many others, however, get caught up in the duties of the day and our own flesh which keep distracting us, and I fall far short of the calling.
     Lately, God has confronted me with books, articles and other eye-opening reminders of God's power and promises to answer our prayers.  But He also keeps reminding me of the power that I have when doing battle with the heavenly forces of evil, and not just that I have this power...but that nothing may happen if I don't use this power.

     Enter:   Intercessors for America!  I read avidly their monthly news letters which give me the "inside scoop" about what is happening in this world of prayer, answers to prayer, and aids to help me join the thousands, maybe even millions of other intercessors for America. Being reminded about our Founding Fathers' belief in the power of prayer for their endeavors, about our current leaders and their personal and public needs, as well as knowing about what God is doing in answer to these prayers takes about 1/2 hour while I eat lunch.   That last issue was when I committed to join the monthly conference call.  This was a first for me!
     But it was so easy!  I called the phone number printed in the reminder box of the news letter, and when it answered and told me to click in the access code, I followed the directions.  And, voile, I was listening into the conversation! David Barton was asking for prayer for Wallbuilders, a wonderful organization which teaches churches, schools, and others about the spiritual foundation of our country.  I had heard him speak in my church in Florida almost ten years ago and was very moved.
     Then, they "turned off the mute button" which allowed me to hear hundreds, thousands or who knows how many others praying for Wallbuilders.  There was a cacophony of voices, even some singing, all praying in their own way.  I got goose-bumps.  After a minute or two, the mute button was turned on so that I could hear someone else offere up a concern for our youth who are being so influenced by deception and darkness.  Then we prayed, as the mute button was turned off so we could hear the multitudes of prayers and singing.  After a couple of other specific prayer requests for our leaders and the Congress and courts, once again, each time, we all prayed together.  Finally, one man  encouraged us all with the fact that there are several serious prayer groups in the White House and halls of Congress, and that the President, himself is not only open, but encourages prayers and Godly words of wisdom within the White House and personally for himself.
     I am so encouraged!  And now I know how to answer my Lord's calling.

     I am going to regularly write in this blog encouragements and helps, requests and needs for America, and we will together become Intercessory Prayer warriors. It's up to you as to whether you want to join, (there are no dues); however, remember the Bible is full of admonitions even from our Lord that we pray.  We are somehow His partners. We are His betrothed, His helpmate.  Amazing, isn't it?  Let me know if want to join.
      First suggestion:  Go online to
Pray for America's Leaders      or       Intercessors For America