
Just this morning, I saw a small window of blue sky in the otherwise dreary grey overcast, a promise of the bright sun-lit day to come. God is always giving us signs of His love and faithfulness to us.......if we are looking. That is what this blog is all about. Are we looking? And what did we see, hear, smell, or feel that our loving Creator put in our path? Why does He do that? Do we really want to connect that close with His affection for us? So many questions. Let's exhange some of them, and share our own sightings!

Sunday, August 12, 2018

I thought I might share the conversation The Lord and  I have been having back and forth over the last few months. It concerns His my money (or lack of) problems.  Ever have that talk with The Lord?   I thought so.  So let me know what you think of these musings that I've written about in my Journal.  I put quotation marks around those words that I believe are His voice to me.

My words:
Every month, I'm just barley making it, with no assurance of income next month beyond my inadequate Social Security check. Lord, this is so hard! I do trust You, but I want to be free of the concerns that nag me constantly.

His answer:
"Judy, I AM providing your daily bread.  I have also asked you to live by faith for provision for [various specific expenses].  All these years you have trusted Me and I have been strengthening ARE stronger than you think!  And I AM FAITHFUL.

Don't you think Paul and my other servants struggled like you, and yet they continued to see My power expressed in their lives?

Be careful that you don't over think and over analyze these things.  That will mean nothing when you stand before Me. I will ask, 'Did you trust Me?'  And I want you to answer, 'I did, in spite of my doubt and struggles.'

The answers to your provision do not include the 'absence of trials'. The trials cause you to stay close to ME, as/or while I AM providing. That is why you won't be able to reason, 'well now, that's taken care of.'

In your increasing maturity, the greatest element is the ability to know and follow MY WILL for you.  It doesn't matter what others think or how they judge you. I'm asking you to know MY WILL for you and to obey and follow that path.

       Romans 12: 1-2 I appeal to you, brothers, by the mercy of God to present your bodies as a living        sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to            this world, but be transformed, by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may be able to            discern what is the will of God...what is good and acceptable and perfect!

Judy, be an example of this truth, that you might be an example to many others who are also struggling with this matter.The ability to discipline yourself in this culture of plenty is as important as is  being faithful in other fleshly temptations. Pray for and receive MY help and strength to do this. I WILL NOT FAIL YOU. You are MY bride...remember that...don't doubt  MY help that is available to do this.  

I love you, my precious one."

I must say, that I really took this to heart, and now am much more able to throw off my concerns and just remember the many Words I've heard from the Lord.  I have written a number of verses out in long hand pertaining to the promises I am standing on, and taped them to my kitchen cabinets, where I often read them.  However, this last week, one morning I read all of them out loud with real conviction.  I even recopied these scriptures on matching notepaper and carefully re-taped them to my cupboard doors.  It take ten minutes or more to speak them out loud, and I have repeated this several times since then.

That first day, it seemed as though a huge dam broke and some answers that I have been trusting God for have broken loose!  Not just once, but several times this week.

I see my LORD grinning from ear to ear, as He sees me finally getting this "no concerns, no worries about finances" thing.  Halleluiah!

Try it...especially the written scriptures and speaking them out loud with conviction. My mind is being transformed and so will yours.

1 comment:

  1. Again, Judy, our thoughts and concerns run side by side. Money, money, (lack of) consumes my thoughts way too often and keeps me from the true joy and peace we have when we trust in the Lord and His goodness for all things. Thank you for sharing this, my friend.
